Personalized Nutrition Coaching in Peoria AZ

Personalized Nutrition Coaching in Peoria AZ

About Me

Welcome to NUVITA Nutrition Coaching! I started this business in 2021 after cultivating a passion for health and wellness over the last 5 years. In my experience, I have helped several people including, athletes, adults, teens and even whole families establish new foundations for healthy habits to achieve goals and set them up for a lifetime of success.

Courtney Licardi

PNL1 Certified Nutrition Coach

PNL1 Certified Nutrition Coach

I am a mom of 2 teenagers, wife of a teacher turned firefighter and a successful business leader in Corporate America. My life (like yours) it’s chaotic and busy. I never made the time for nutrition/exercise and I was NEVER an athlete. I decided in my 40s to hit the gym with my son as an “activity to keep him busy”. I fell in love and never stopped. 6 weeks in I realized the scale was not changing even with all my hard work – it was very frustrating. With the help of my nutrition coach and a little hard work on my own, I learned how to eat! I also learned the importance of macro/micro nutrients, balance and consistency!

Over the last 5 years I’ve cultivated a passion for nutrition by continuing my education, practicing on friends, and taking the plunge to be formally certified so I can help others find that same passion too.

Not only that, I want people to learn they can do it without starving themselves, without cutting major food groups (carbs), without yo-yo dieting, while still eating fruit, while still enjoying the foods they love, and without overloading on cardio.

If you are interested in Nutrition Coaching, click the button to schedule a free consultation! ♥️

Helping busy people lead healthier lifestyles to achieve their fitness goals through balance and consistency.

Nuvita Nutrition Coaching

I believe coaching that focuses on the whole person is how people achieve results. It’s not about fad diets with major restrictions or elimination of food groups. Rather, it’s about your mental wellness, your social life, your emotional state, your stressors, your exercise regime, and your diet that drives results. I take the person as a whole, focusing on what they need. Then, implement that into a customized plan for them. When it is personalized and achievable, their life changes and it becomes a lifestyle.


Helping you transform your life in the way you want is my greatest pleasure and I look forward to welcoming you to my growing list of satisfied clients:

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