Personalized Nutrition Coaching in Peoria AZ

Personalized Nutrition Coaching in Peoria AZ


  • Personalized attention
  • Individualized nutrition for your preferences and lifestyle
  • Ongoing guidance and support
  • Strategies to reduce stress and achieve goals

  • Establishing the right mindset
  • Instilling confidence
  • Continuous education
  • Connection to a community

Welcome To NUVITA
Nutrition Coaching

Whether you’re an athlete trying to get an edge out of your performance by improving your nutrition or someone looking for healthier habits, I’ve got you covered.

Together, we will lay out a plan that is both realistic and manageable for your lifestyle. I will provide you the tools and strategies to achieve your goals while adjusting the plan as needed along the way.


I became a coach after learning through my personal journey how pivotal water, food, and sleep was on my quality of life. I believe anyone can learn healthy habits to ward off disease, minimize the need for medications and help be the best version of themselves while still enjoying the food they love. They just need a little empathy for what they are going through, guidance and support along the way. Let me be that for you!

Macros Or Meal Guide Basic Package
No Commitment
1x Purchase

Teen Athlete Basic Package
No Commitment
1x Purchase

Nutrition Coaching
3 Month Commitment

Family/Couples Coaching - 3 Month Commitment

Lifestyle Enhancements to Reduce Stress and Achieve Goals

There are plenty of nutrition coaches and information out there. However, they do not always take tailoring nutrition plans to meet individuals where they are at right now as seriously as I do. Book a free consultation now so we can start working together to achieve your goals.


Helping you transform your life in the way you want is my greatest pleasure and I look forward to welcoming you to my growing list of satisfied clients:

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